------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ name: log: C:\Projects\Analysis\Calendar tutorial\Stata\Example4.log log type: text opened on: 31 Aug 2017, 00:30:08 . * DHS Calendar Tutorial - Example 4 . * Stillbirths and perinatal mortality . . * download the model dataset for individual women's recode: "ZZIR62FL.DTA" . * the model datasets are available at http://dhsprogram.com/data/download-model-datasets.cfm . . * change to a working directory where the data are stored . * or add the full path to the 'use' command below . cd "C:\Data\DHS_model\" C:\Data\DHS_model . . * open the dataset to use, selecting just the variables we are going to use . use vcal_1 v000 v005 v007 v008 v018 v021 v023 v024 b3* b6* using "ZZIR62FL.DTA", clear . . . * Step 4.1 . * Stillbirths . gen stillbirths = 0 . label variable stillbirths "Stillbirths" . * Births in calendar . gen births = 0 . label variable births "Births in calendar (excludes twins)" . * Births in birth history including twins in the five years preceding the survey . gen births2 = 0 . label variable births2 "Births in birth history (including twins)" . * Early neonatal deaths in the five years preceding the survey . gen earlyneo = 0 . label variable earlyneo "Early neonatal deaths" . . . * Step 4.2 . * Set the start and end positions to use for the five year windows . gen beg = v018 . gen end = v018+59 . . * Loop through calendar summing births, non-live pregnancies and stillbirths . * total length of calendar to loop over including leading blanks (80) . local vcal_len = strlen(vcal_1[1]) . forvalues i = 1/`vcal_len' { 2. * count the births, but restricting to just the 60 months preceding survey . replace births = births+1 if inrange(`i',beg,end) & substr(vcal_1,`i',1) == "B" 3. * count the stillbirths, also restricting to just the 60 months preceding survey . replace stillbirths = stillbirths+1 if inrange(`i',beg,end) & /// > substr(vcal_1,`i',7) == "TPPPPPP" 4. } (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (1 real change made) (0 real changes made) (15 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (36 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (59 real changes made) (2 real changes made) (105 real changes made) (2 real changes made) (112 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (115 real changes made) (2 real changes made) (117 real changes made) (1 real change made) (115 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (135 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (97 real changes made) (2 real changes made) (92 real changes made) 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five years preceding the survey . forvalues i = 1/20 { 2. * restrict to 60 months preceding survey . replace births2 = births2+1 if inrange(b3_`i',beg,end) 3. replace earlyneo = earlyneo+1 if inrange(b3_`i',beg,end) & inrange(b6_`i',100,106) 4. } (4,260 real changes made) (106 real changes made) (1,531 real changes made) (49 real changes made) (169 real changes made) (7 real changes made) (8 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) (0 real changes made) . . . * Step 4.4 . * total pregnancies of 7+ months in last 5 years (all live births (including twins), . * plus the stillbirths) . gen totpreg7m = births2+stillbirths . label variable totpreg7m "Number of pregnancies of 7+ months duration" . . * total perinatal mortality = early neonatal deaths plus stillbirths . gen perinatal = earlyneo+stillbirths . label variable perinatal "Perinatal mortality" . . . * Step 4.5 . * create weight variable . gen wt = v005/1000000 . . * set up svyset parameters for complex samples . svyset v021 [pweight=wt], strata(v023) pweight: wt VCE: linearized Single unit: missing Strata 1: v023 SU 1: v021 FPC 1: . . * number of stillbirths . * weight the number of women by the number of stillbirths for the correct count . replace wt = stillbirths*v005/1000000 (8,306 real changes made) . svy: tab v024, cell count (running tabulate on estimation sample) Number of strata = 7 Number of obs = 7,172 Number of PSUs = 190 Population size = 33.6578372 Design df = 183 ---------------------------------- region | count proportion ----------+----------------------- region 1 | 15.8 .4695 region 2 | 5.365 .1594 region 3 | 1.384 .0411 region 4 | 11.11 .33 | Total | 33.66 1 ---------------------------------- Key: count = weighted count propor~n = cell proportion Note: 1 stratum omitted because it contains no population members. . * early neonatal deaths . * weight the number of women by the number of early neonatal deaths . replace wt = earlyneo*v005/1000000 (194 real changes made) . svy: tab v024, cell count (running tabulate on estimation sample) Number of strata = 8 Number of obs = 8,348 Number of PSUs = 217 Population size = 176.571694 Design df = 209 ---------------------------------- region | count proportion ----------+----------------------- region 1 | 38.27 .2167 region 2 | 40.21 .2277 region 3 | 54.73 .31 region 4 | 43.36 .2456 | Total | 176.6 1 ---------------------------------- Key: count = weighted count propor~n = cell proportion . * number of pregnancies of 7+ months . * weight the number of women by the total number of pregnancies of 7+ months . replace wt = totpreg7m*v005/1000000 (4,216 real changes made) . svy: tab v024, cell count (running tabulate on estimation sample) Number of strata = 8 Number of obs = 8,348 Number of PSUs = 217 Population size = 5,906.0759 Design df = 209 ---------------------------------- region | count proportion ----------+----------------------- region 1 | 2178 .3688 region 2 | 1315 .2226 region 3 | 1101 .1863 region 4 | 1313 .2223 | Total | 5906 1 ---------------------------------- Key: count = weighted count propor~n = cell proportion . . * reset the weight variable . replace wt = v005/1000000 (5,625 real changes made) . * perinatal mortality ratio . svy: ratio perinatal/totpreg7m (running ratio on estimation sample) Survey: Ratio estimation Number of strata = 8 Number of obs = 8,348 Number of PSUs = 217 Population size = 8,347.9996 Design df = 209 _ratio_1: perinatal/totpreg7m -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized | Ratio Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ _ratio_1 | .0355955 .0031781 .0293303 .0418606 -------------------------------------------------------------- . svy: ratio perinatal/totpreg7m, over(v024) (running ratio on estimation sample) Survey: Ratio estimation Number of strata = 8 Number of obs = 8,348 Number of PSUs = 217 Population size = 8,347.9996 Design df = 209 _ratio_1: perinatal/totpreg7m _subpop_1: v024 = region 1 _subpop_2: v024 = region 2 _subpop_3: v024 = region 3 _subpop_4: v024 = region 4 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Over | Ratio Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ _ratio_1 | _subpop_1 | .024825 .0039607 .0170169 .0326331 _subpop_2 | .0346693 .0062962 .0222571 .0470815 _subpop_3 | .0509912 .0113263 .0286628 .0733197 _subpop_4 | .041484 .0056726 .0303011 .0526669 -------------------------------------------------------------- . end of do-file name: log: C:\Projects\Analysis\Calendar tutorial\Stata\Example4.log log type: text closed on: 31 Aug 2017, 00:30:09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------